Kady and Bobby’s elopement at Vashon Island in Washington was truly beautiful in every way. The sun came out just as they started their ceremony, so the water sparkled behind them and it was truly magical! Here are a few photos of their intimate elopement.
Kady gave me full creative freedom for their elopement! I love the art we created as we captured their love! While scrolling through this stunning elopement at Vashon Island in Washington, take a moment to read their lovely questionnaire responses. I love sending this to every couple before shooting their event so that I get to know them on a deeper level. Having that little bit of extra connection always shines through in the photos!

When did you meet?
Groom’s Response: We met in 2011 in Madison Park.
Bride’s Response: Summer of 2011

What was your first impression of your fiancé?
Groom’s Response: When I first met Kady, she was beautiful! She was the strong, independent and didn’t want or need anything from anyone. Also, I didn’t think she was into me.
Bride’s Response: He was gregarious, very outgoing and had an amazing smile.

When did you know that they were the “one”?
Groom’s Response: After 9 years, it is hard to narrow down to the “one” moment I knew. One of the first times that I knew that this was different was during a conversation I was having with one of my friends. She always knew that even when I was in a, “serious” relationship, that the question of marriage was always something that caused me to throw on the brakes and tell her to calm down. Talking about Kady though, this feeling didn’t come over me. It didn’t bother me, nor did I correct her. I didn’t think of a future without her.
Bride’s Response: I don’t know that there was ever a moment I knew. But, from the day I met him I felt connected to him in a way that I hadn’t with anyone else and still haven’t.

What is your favorite memory when you first started dating?
Groom’s Response: I knew Kady was different from one of the first times we went out as a couple. We went to a club called Havana’s in Capitol Hill. We ran into my ex who started saying some rude things about me and indirectly her. Kady had be pulled out of the club by myself and her friend. I knew then that she would have my back and proud to say that she was with me. Coincidentally, it was the same night I told her that I loved her. She will say it was to end the fight and to get her to calm down, but it was from the heart and a statement that I stand by today.
Bride’s Response: Making Bobby roll down the hill at Gasworks with me.

How did he propose?
Groom’s Response: Kady grew up going to a shared family home in Hood Canal. They shared this property with another family and split the time each family stayed throughout the year. Kady’s family had the opportunity to purchase another property further down the beach, so their time at that special cabin was coming to a close.
Keeping it Simple
It was one of our last weekends that we would be staying in the original house. I had a grand plan that would not go anything like I had in my mind. When we had arrived, it was quickly detailed to us that this weekend was not going to be just us and her parents, however, the four of us and now a handful of her parents friends and her extended family. I couldn’t find an opportunity to pop the question without making a spectacle about it and embarrassing Kady. Her one request of a proposal, NO FLASH MOBS! DON’T EMBARRASS HER! (Not her words, but pieced together from proposals on tv and online).
I walked around all morning with the ring in my jacket pocket, which her mom kept moving throughout the day (Bobby – I can relate to that, my mom is always doing that too! haha). Kady and I had been floating all afternoon. I finally got my opportunity as everyone went on a walk as a group and left the house. Kady and I got out of the water and were standing on the back deck of the house drying off.
Not knowing exactly how long I had left in this weekend I decided that while not perfect in my mind, this was my moment. So with Kady standing in her bathing suit, I dropped to my knee and told her how much she meant to me… Kady yelled at me! I think her exact words were, “Im in a towel!” Of course, she said yes. Although not to plan, it is kind of exactly our style. Unique to us and us alone.
Bride’s Response: He proposed at my family’s cabin on the deck. I was shocked and very surprised.

Tell me three things about your fiancé?
Groom’s Response: Fierce, caring, beautiful
Brides’s Response: He is a great listener, he’s very thoughtful and always willing to help me.

Tell me 5 places you have been together
Groom’s Response: Hawaii, Mexico, Chicago, Panama, Oregon, my dreams❤️
Bride’s Response: Bocas del Toro, Panama, Cannon Beach in Oregon, Vashon Island in Washington, anywhere with a beach 🥰

When you can do anything you want to do, like a typical Friday night, what would you do?
Groom’s Response: Both of us hanging out with our friends where ever or what ever that might be.
Bride’s Response: Meet our friends at a bar or go to an event (concert,show,etc) together

What do you think is unique about you as a couple?
Groom’s Response: I think that it is our ability to not only support, but to push each other to want to be better.
Bride’s Response: We persevered through many life challenges over these first years of our relationship and I think that makes us tough. It makes our relationship strong and we have a very strong bond. Not really unique but it’s what I think of when asked this question.

Vashon Island in Washington is a gorgeous place for an elopement! Kady and Bobby’s day was so special and beautiful. If you like what you see here, I can’t wait to be back at Vashon Island for more! Reach out to me here.
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