A couple of weeks ago it was Ghana’s Independence Day. I was curious to see how they celebrate…will everyone be showing their Ghana flag? Wearing the flag’s colors? Getting ready for the city parade? In the United States we like to do things BIG! From our food, to our stores, to our celebrations. Hey – I […]
I had the privilege of meeting Divine and his family and I have been so blessed by this new friendship. Divine is a man who passionately loves his family. He and his wife, Augustina, have beautiful twin girls, Mary & Messy, who are under the age of two and are probably the cutest things you’ll ever see. Really. […]
I have the privilege to do this series Meet the Faces. The main purpose is to tell stories that I believe need to be told…and also to challenge myself to be intentional with the relationships I am building here in Ghana. Whether it be a friend from church or someone I randomly meet in the market. […]
Ghana has been having some extreme power outage problems this month – due to some political problems with the country that we normally get our power, gas and energy from – so thank you for your patience! The “Meet the Faces” first edition is coming soon! In the meantime…today Agustin and I are going to […]
As you may know, I am starting a series on my blog called “Meet the Faces.” This series will entail a different “face” every week; a glimpse into the stories that I’ve been blessed to hear. I’ve met some amazing people…and simply put, I want to share their stories. Sometimes, especially here in Africa, […]